Make a Promise to the Planet
Make your Promise to the Planet and join in a collective effort today!
Consider an action you can take to make your community a cleaner, healthier, safer, and more sustainable place to live.
Some examples of actions to practice in your daily life and community are below but there are no limits to what promise you can make!
What would the air smell like if we promised to use cleaner energy and less of it?
The most important climate solution is you!
Promise + Energy:
I pledge to conduct a home energy audit (Johnson Co, Iowa, information about a free energy audit click here)
I promise to use more LED lighting
I will incorporate more low-flow fixtures in my home
I promise to think about transitioning to solar panels at my home/business
Each month I will make an effort to take the bus (it’s free and electric in Iowa City!)
I promise to install smart thermostats
I will be mindful of my heat usage throughout the year
I will consider energy efficient windows when it’s time for me to replace old windows
I will turn up my AC or turn it off and use a fan instead
When I am ready, I will consider purchasing an electric or hybrid car
What would swimming in our rivers, lakes, and oceans feel like on a hot day if we promised to reduce water pollution?
By acting on your promise you are improving your health!
Promise + Water Quality:
I will dispose of my hazardous waste appropriately such as motor oil, pesticides, leftover paints or paint cans, household cleaners, a number of medicines, nail polish, etc. (In Johnson Co., Iowa click here)
I pledge to let my lawn grow naturally and refrain from using pesticides or fertilizers.
I promise not to use sidewalk salt in the winter
I will use natural cleaners whenever possible (see safer choice list)
I promise to use environmentally and reef friendly sunscreens (click here for a list)
I pledge to join a stream, river, or beach clean up.
I promise to make an appointment to service my septic system.
I pledge to always scoop up my pet’s waste and dispose it properly.
I promise to conserve water by taking shorter showers, turning the faucet off while brushing teeth and scrubbing hands, running full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine, etc.
I pledge to include more organic food in my purchasing habits.
I pledge to cut down on meat consumption.
What would the land look like if we promised to reduce, reuse, and recycle more of our waste?
Top 10 Benefits of Taking Action
Promise + Waste:
I pledge to reuse as much as possible
I promise to repair everything I can
I will carry my refillable water bottle everywhere
I promise to say no to plastic straws
I promise to bring reusable bag(s) to the grocery store
I will bring my own food containers to restaurants for leftovers
I pledge to choose products with less packaging and reduce plastic
I promise to buy local whenever I can
I will use bar shampoo, conditioner, and soap
I pledge to attend/organize clothing swaps/toy swaps whenever I have an opportunity
I promise to support thrift stores
I pledge to oppose fast fashion
I pledge to eat in instead of carry-out whenever I can
I promise to use recycled wrapping paper (or newspaper/paper bag) to wrap holiday gifts
I promise to attend repair cafe events whenever possible
I will say “no thank you” to things I don’t need (cheap freebies)
I pledge to compost food scraps and yard waste (if living in Iowa City, learn how about curbside composting and how to get a free compost cart)
I promise to participate in a refiller program
How would our city change if we as individuals and as a collective community promised to practiced actions monthly, weekly, daily?
How would YOU change?
Promise + Community +Wellness:
I will talk to my neighbors about Promise to the Planet as soon as possible!
This summer, I will plant a native/pollinator-friendly garden
I promise to ride my bike more this year than last
I will eat a variety of healthy foods each day
I will use fewer chemicals in my daily routines (make-up, dyes, shampoo, household cleaners and detergents, etc.)
Each day, I will eat mostly plants
I will get outside everyday
I will join/start an environmental/climate bookclub this year
I promise to build community and be more social